
A Compelling way to Structure your Learning Programme

Leverage the power of neoCoder’s modularised content creation capabilities and deliver a personalized curriculum experience. Author diverse content types, assessments and structure easy-to-build curriculums with the aid of reusable learning components.

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Curriculum Authoring

Traditional LMS to Developer LMS – neoCoder the Transition Link

Are you still leveraging the prestructured courses and modules for your learning programme? It’s time to step up! Let your mentors take up the role of authors and create custom curriculums for a personalized learning experience.

neoCoder’s built-in content creation capabilities let you design curriculums and structure customised learning workflow with ease. Unravel the power of curriculum authoring with neoCoder’s BAP approach.

  • Build large content repositories (Content bank, Question Bank, Project Bank)
  • Author customized courses and curriculums with Reusable Learning Materials
  • Publish developer-centric courses to meet your specific training requirements

Publisher Capabilities

Our platform’s built-in publisher capabilities facilitate authors to publish diverse courses along with learning paths, practices, projects, hackathons, quizzes, exams, assessments, lab courses, and challenges. Authors can also set share permissions and limit access to specific users.

  • Our platform enables publishers to set validity based on the module type and also categorize them to ensure a structured learning workflow.
  • Publishers can also enable team-based projects to create a collaborative learning environment.
  • The platform enables publishers to create modules, sub-modules, add content from question banks and publish diverse courses, learning paths, hackathons, quizzes, lab courses, and several more.
Curriculum Authoring

Modularised Content Creation

neoCoder’s modularised content creation capabilities let your mentors create diverse content banks, question banks, project banks and comprehensive assessments – and leverage them as reusable learning components. Our powerful content creation tools supported by bloom’s taxonomy model of learning will help you publish tailored curriculums hassle-free.

Curriculum Authoring

Gain Complete Control over Curriculum Creation

neoCoder’s admin capabilities will entrust the admin users with utmost control over curriculum creation. Not everyone can author a curriculum, users would require permission to do so. Admins can set up user-based role allocation to ensure only those users with content contribution access can publish curriculums.

  • The user permission matrix will enable admins to assign and categorize users (with roles) as contributors, evaluators, viewers and several other types to create user role permissions based on taxonomies.
  • Admins can also define user participation by setting unique student enrolment rules – this enables students to actively participate in the courses that only match their enrolment criteria.

Build Custom Content, Question and Project Banks

Leverage our scalable yet powerful curriculum creation tools to develop custom content, questions, and projects. The content as a whole is stored in folders or banks, denoting a humongous amount of data repository (primarily, reusable learning materials).

You can add diverse content types in the content bank and this includes Text/URL, Document, and Media. The platform also lets you easily classify, organize and locate your content with certain key metrics like content name, content subtype, and tags.

  • The question bank creation is similar to that of the content creation process. You can add diverse question types like MCQs, fill-ups, programming-based, english skill assessments, diagrams, descriptive, video-based, cloud and several more.
  • Project bank creation also adheres to a similar workflow. You can create a full-stack project or Jupiter project and categorize them based on their name, sub-topic, tech stack, instance size, and evaluation type.
Curriculum Authoring
Curriculum Authoring

Bulk Upload and Management

neoCoder’s content creation capabilities don’t just let you create content hassle-free but also upload and manage them effortlessly. Yes, unlike other learner upskilling platforms, we prioritize the platform’s user-friendliness as a critical component in enhancing the learning experience. In view of this, our platform enables bulk content upload and management.

  • Users can bulk upload questions rather than manually uploading them as a single piece of content every time.
  • The platform also facilitates bulk content upload from word and excel files for ease of use. This saves users a lot of time and effort in creating a custom curriculum.

Automate Custom Certificates

neoCoder lets you efficiently automate and manage custom certifications with our in-built certificate auto-generate capabilities. By leveraging our custom certificate editor, mentors can customize the pre-built certificate to align with their branding guidelines. The platform also allows scope for rule-based certificate generation for ease of operations.

  • Certificates will be auto-generated only if the user passes the mentor-defined criteria/rule.
  • Mentors can also effortlessly create and manage multiple certificate templates and leverage them for diverse courses.
Curriculum Authoring
Curriculum Authoring

Tailored Skill Assessments and Assignments

Leverage the power of neoCoder’s built-in capabilities to create tailored assessments/assignments. Our platform lets you create diverse assessments/assignments like manual assessments, rule-based tests, psychometric tests, and question paper uploads. Some of the other key metrics to be taken care of while creating skill assessments/assignments are test name, test code, visibility, and a few others.

Within an assessment/assignment, you can create multiple sub-sections to categorize questions as per your requirements for better content structuring. You can also group questions and fix the time duration for each section’s completion.

  • Our platform lets you easily pull questions from the question banks and add them to the corresponding sections.
  • The rule-based assessments/assignments let you assign rules to your question bank and create an automated assessment/assignment based on the topic, sub-topic, question type, difficulty level, and other pivotal parameters.
  • Our built-in capabilities enable you to create rules for multiple sections within a single assessment/assignment.

Our Numbers Speak




10 Million

4 Million

Harness the Power of Curriculum Authoring with neoCoder.

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