
Object Oriented Programming using C++

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Object Oriented Programming using C++

What is object-oriented programming? Comparison of procedural programming and Object-Oriented Programming, Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages, C++ Programming Basics: Basic Program Construction, Data Types, Variables, Constants, Type Conversion, Operators, Library Functions, Loops and Decisions, Structures, Functions: Simple Functions, passing arguments, Returning values, Reference Arguments., Recursion, Inline Functions, Default Arguments, Storage Classes, Arrays, Strings, Addresses, and pointers. Dynamic Memory management. Linked lists in C++.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Concept of Polymorphism, Function overloading, examples and advantages of function overloading, pitfalls of function overloading, Operator overloading, Overloading unary operations. Overloading binary operators, pitfalls of operators overloading.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Templates: Function templates, Class templates, Exceptions: Need of Exceptions, keywords, Simple and Multiple Exceptions, Re-throwing Exception and Exception Specifications, Custom Exception.
Standard Template Library: Containers, Algorithms, iterators, potential problems with STL, Algorithms: find (), count (), sort (), search (), merge (), Function Objects: for each (), transform (), Sequence Containers: vectors, Lists, Dequeues, Iterators and specialized.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Introduction to Classes and Objects, Making sense of core object concepts (Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Messages Association, Interfaces). Constructors and its types, Destructors, Passing Objects as Function arguments and Returning Objects from Functions

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Concept of inheritance. Derived class and based class. Derived class constructors, member function, inheritance in the English distance class, class hierarchies, inheritance and graphics shapes, public and private inheritance, aggregation: Classes within classes, inheritance, and program.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

What is object-oriented programming? Comparison of procedural programming and Object-Oriented Programming, Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages, C++ Programming Basics: Basic Program Construction, Data Types, Variables, Constants, Type Conversion, Operators, Library Functions, Loops and Decisions, Structures, Functions: Simple Functions, passing arguments, Returning values, Reference Arguments., Recursion, Inline Functions, Default Arguments, Storage Classes, Arrays, Strings, Addresses, and pointers. Dynamic Memory management. Linked lists in C++.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Introduction to Classes and Objects, Making sense of core object concepts (Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Messages Association, Interfaces). Constructors and its types, Destructors, Passing Objects as Function arguments and Returning Objects from Functions

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Concept of Polymorphism, Function overloading, examples and advantages of function overloading, pitfalls of function overloading, Operator overloading, Overloading unary operations. Overloading binary operators, pitfalls of operators overloading.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Concept of inheritance. Derived class and based class. Derived class constructors, member function, inheritance in the English distance class, class hierarchies, inheritance and graphics shapes, public and private inheritance, aggregation: Classes within classes, inheritance, and program.

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Templates: Function templates, Class templates, Exceptions: Need of Exceptions, keywords, Simple and Multiple Exceptions, Re-throwing Exception and Exception Specifications, Custom Exception.
Standard Template Library: Containers, Algorithms, iterators, potential problems with STL, Algorithms: find (), count (), sort (), search (), merge (), Function Objects: for each (), transform (), Sequence Containers: vectors, Lists, Dequeues, Iterators and specialized.

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