
Problem Solving and Python Programming

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Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 1

Literals, Variables and Identifiers, Data Types, Input Operations, comments and reserved words, Indentation, Operators and expressions, Operators and expressions, Conditional Branching Statements, Conditional Branching Statements, Iterative statements- Nested Loops, Iterative statements- Nested Loops, Break, continue, pass statements, else in loops

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 3

Concatenation, Append, Multiply on Strings, Strings are Immutable, String Formatting Operator, Built-in String Methods and Functions, Built-in String Methods and Functions, Slice Operation – ord() and chr() functions, in and not in Operators, Comparing Strings – Iterating String, String Module – Regular Expressions, String Module – Regular Expressions, Functions – match(),search(), sub(), findall() and finditer () and Flag Options.

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 5

Classes and objects: Class Method and self-argument, Classes and objects: Constructor, class and object variables, destructor, Public and Private data member and methods, Methods: class and static, Polymorphism, Method Overriding, Inheritance and its types, Containership, Abstract classes and interfaces, Metaclass

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 2

Function –Introduction, Definition and call, Variable scope and lifetime, Function argument and Return statements, Lambda function – documentation strings, Recursive functions, Modules, Packages, Standard Library Methods, Function Redefinition

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 4

List : Access and update values, nested list, List: Cloning List, Basic operations and methods, List: Comprehension and Looping,

Tuple: Create, utility access, update and delete values, Tuple: Basic operations, tuple assignments, returning multiple values, Tuple: Nested tuple, checking the index, count the elements,

Dictionary: Create, access, add, modify delete and sort items, Dictionary : Looping over and nested dictionary, Dictionary: Built-in functions and Methods

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 1

Literals, Variables and Identifiers, Data Types, Input Operations, comments and reserved words, Indentation, Operators and expressions, Operators and expressions, Conditional Branching Statements, Conditional Branching Statements, Iterative statements- Nested Loops, Iterative statements- Nested Loops, Break, continue, pass statements, else in loops

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 2

Function –Introduction, Definition and call, Variable scope and lifetime, Function argument and Return statements, Lambda function – documentation strings, Recursive functions, Modules, Packages, Standard Library Methods, Function Redefinition

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 3

Concatenation, Append, Multiply on Strings, Strings are Immutable, String Formatting Operator, Built-in String Methods and Functions, Built-in String Methods and Functions, Slice Operation – ord() and chr() functions, in and not in Operators, Comparing Strings – Iterating String, String Module – Regular Expressions, String Module – Regular Expressions, Functions – match(),search(), sub(), findall() and finditer () and Flag Options.

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 4

List : Access and update values, nested list, List: Cloning List, Basic operations and methods, List: Comprehension and Looping,

Tuple: Create, utility access, update and delete values, Tuple: Basic operations, tuple assignments, returning multiple values, Tuple: Nested tuple, checking the index, count the elements,

Dictionary: Create, access, add, modify delete and sort items, Dictionary : Looping over and nested dictionary, Dictionary: Built-in functions and Methods

Problem Solving and Python Programming
Module 5

Classes and objects: Class Method and self-argument, Classes and objects: Constructor, class and object variables, destructor, Public and Private data member and methods, Methods: class and static, Polymorphism, Method Overriding, Inheritance and its types, Containership, Abstract classes and interfaces, Metaclass

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