
Accurate decision-making with live reports and dashboards

Get hold of real-time insights and constantly evaluate your developers learning progress with our Live Learner Analytics Dashboard and Code Playback Tool. Make data-driven intervention and acquire microlevel performance reports with live test reports, dashboards and live coding analysis feature.

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Live Reports and Dashboards

Dashboards and Reports – Get it Real-time

With neoCoder, you gain access to live performance-based data insights. Yes, you heard it right – LIVE Reports and Dashboards – just the way you wanted it. Our suite of powerful and live reports offers mentors the upper hand to structure and improvise the developers’ learning path based on skill monitoring and assessments.

  • Improve your developers’ learning efficiency
  • Feedback-based learning with data-driven intervention
  • Live performance analysis with detailed insights

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You’re in trusted hands.
Here are some of the corporates whom we operate with

Interactive Live Dashboard

Let your mentors and developers constantly be on the same page to streamline the learning journey and maximize the performance output. neoCoder’s interactive live dashboard will empower your mentors to go a step further in monitoring the developers’ performance – by offering individual-specific live insights that are not limited to attendance, participation and performance. In addition, the interactive live dashboard offers mentors several other value-added benefits listed below.

  • Live evaluation feature to analyze the challenges faced by the developers during the course of training/assessments.
  • Guided feedback to help the developers focus on the areas they need to work upon and improve.
  • Developers’ progress and assessment scores get auto-updated based on their active participation and performance.
Live Reports and Dashboards

Live Coding Analysis

An integral principle of neoCoder that sets it apart from other conventional learner upskilling platforms is its ability to dive deep into the intricacies of learning. Our platform’s Live Coding Analysis is one such functionality that aids mentors to examine the live codes of each developer as they actively undertake the training programmes/assessments.

The live code analysis offers mentors microlevel insights that are not limited to active involvement, live code vs solution, test cases passed, compile attempts, and several other key information. The live report analysis also offers mentors the scope to intervene and restructure the developers’ coding journey based on their live performance.

Live Reports and Dashboards
Live Reports and Dashboards

Powerful Live Reports

Not just live dashboards, neoCoder also offers powerful live reports that simplify performance monitoring and management. Our diverse range of live reports empowers your mentors to make data-driven decisions.

Let not your mentors wait until the learning program/assessment sessions’ completion to intervene and provide feedback as and when needed. Developers’ live activities during assessments and hands-on practice sessions are constantly recorded to enhance the learning curve for developers.

The reports facilitate mentors to further drill down into key performance metrics that are not limited to developer progress, session details, completion status, and scores.

The Code Playback Feature

When we meant live reports, we didn’t want to just restrict from the conventional live tracking functionalities but go a step further in adding value to our platform. The code playback feature is a value-added functionality that allows mentors to review live codes and offer instant feedback even as the developers are in the middle of their code creation.

This feature allows mentors to determine if the developers are on the right path and analyse the challenges they encounter during their hands-on coding assessments. Some of the other significant insights that your mentors can view are detailed code structures, developer grades (based on their coding performance), code plagiarism, and a lot more. Get a holistic view of your developers’ coding journey with our live code preview or live code playback feature.

Live Reports and Dashboards
Live Reports and Dashboards

Unleash the power of Performance Monitoring

Let your mentors spend their valuable time enhancing the developers’ learning journey rather than being on Zoom sessions and rigorously supervising them. Improve your mentors’ operational efficiency by providing them with data-driven insights through our comprehensive reports and dashboards.

  • Are the developers on the right path to progression?
  • Are they actively taking up the assessments?
  • Do they require any learning assistance?
  • What are the significant areas of improvement?

neoCoder has the answers to all the above questions and a lot more…

Reduce the complexities in performance monitoring and offer your mentors all performance-critical information under one roof with our live learner analytics dashboard. Our powerful data-driven reports have got all the answers you are looking for!

Our Numbers Speak




10 Million

4 Million

neoCoder – Your key to unlocking effective performance monitoring practices.

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