
White Label LMS - Transform our platform into your Training Home

Let your training home/abode reflect your brand’s identity with neoCoder’s White Label LMS. Build your customized LMS with branded home page, custom modifications, integrations and remove all traces of neoCoder for a new look and feel.

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White Label Solution

Host your Training Programs on your Custom Platform

Your Brand, Your LMS – that’s the way forward with neoCoder’s white label LMS solution. Build trust and authority by reinforcing your brand identity within our LMS. With neoCoder, you can promise a seamless learning experience by customizing your training programs and platform. From brand identity to complex integrations, our platform easily gets accustomed to your branding changes.

  • Revamped Brand Identity
  • Custom Integrations
  • Appealing Visual Tweaks

Build your Branded Landing Page

Personalized look and feel begin with a branded landing page. A custom home page that reflects your brand identity and talks about your training program’s mission sets up the tone for the entire platform. Build a customized landing page for your training home and stamp your brand identity right from word go. Our platform lets you customize the homepage’s content, menu, and also offers scope to incorporate media elements for better brand positioning.

  • Stamp your logo and add favicons
  • Customize the cover page
  • Rebrand with personalized content
White Label Solution
White Label Solution

Domain Mapping

What if you completely rebrand the LMS platform but the domain name still reveals the extended partner’s identity? We call it half-white-labelled. Remove all traces of our branding including the domain name.

Our platform allows for domain mapping – this redirects your users to a custom domain name that they opt for.

  • Redirect to your branded domain
  • Complete ownership of the platform

Enable Personalized Messaging

We help you go beyond the visual aesthetics and inject your brand voice to ensure personalized messaging across the platform. You can effortlessly customize the predefined email templates, texts, messages, and notifications to adhere to your brand voice. Ensure all your internal and external communication with users align with a unique tone to improve the platform’s credibility.

  • Add custom email ids
  • Create custom communication templates
  • Set a unique brand tone across the platform
White Label Solution
White Label Solution

PWA Mobile Experience

Ensure a seamless White Label LMS experience across web and mobile with Progressive Web Apps. This lets you replicate the web-based branded learning experience on your users’ mobile devices without compromising the platform’s efficiency. The PWA-powered mobile experience will bring your users even closer to the powerful LMS tool – access the platform from anywhere at any time with ease.

  • Custom designed for a mobile-based learning environment

More value-added features

Besides the key offerings of our White Label Solution, the platform offers several other value-added features for a better learning experience. A bundle of features to incorporate your brand’s identity and tailor the learning experience. Some of them are,

  • Set custom gamification rules to improve user engagement
  • Multitenancy-supported learning environment
  • Automated learning paths and multilingual support
White Label Solution

Our Numbers Speak




10 Million

4 Million

Customize and Brand your LMS with our White Label Solution

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