
Privacy Policy

We, PineAxe Technologies LLP Restricted, addressed by its individuals, hereinafter alluded to as the “Organization” (where such articulation will, except if offensive to the setting thereof, be considered to incorporate its separate lawful beneficiaries, delegates, heads, allowed replacements and doles out.) The maker of this Security Strategy guarantees consistent obligation to your protection concerning the assurance of your priceless data.

This security strategy contains data about the organization and its Site (hereinafter all in all alluded to as the “Stage”).

To furnish You with Our continuous utilization of administrations, We might gather and, in certain conditions, uncover data about you with your authorization. To guarantee better security of Your protection, We give this notice clarifying Our data assortment and divulgence approaches, and the decisions You make about the manner in which Your data is gathered and utilized.

This Security Strategy will be in accordance with the Overall Information Assurance Guideline (GDPR) as a result from May 25, 2018 and all possible arrangements that might peruse actually will be considered to be void and unenforceable as of that date.

On the off chance that you disagree with the agreements of our Protection Strategy, remembering for connection to the way of assortment or utilization of your data, kindly don’t utilize or get to the Site.

ANY Uppercase WORDS Utilized Consequently Will HAVE THE Importance Concurred TO THEM UNDER THIS Arrangement. FURTHER, ALL HEADING Involved In this ARE Just To orchestrate THE Different Arrangements OF THE Understanding IN ANY Way. NEITHER THE Client NOR THE CREATORS OF THIS Protection Strategy Might Utilize THE Going to Decipher THE Arrangements Held Inside IT IN ANY Way.


  1. “We”, “Our”, and “Us’ ‘ will mean and allude to the Stage or potentially the Organization, as the unique situation so requires.
  2. “You”, “Your”, “Yourself”, “Client”, “Purchaser”, “Merchant”, “Vender” and “Client” will mean and allude to regular and lawful people who utilize the Application or Site and who is equipped to go into authoritative agreements, according to Indian laws.
  3. “Purchasers/Clients” will allude to those able to benefit administrators for the buy and conveyance of merchandise through the Stage and “Merchants/Sellers” will allude to those from whom Purchasers can buy items through the Stage.
  4. “Client” will allude to both “Clients/Purchasers” and “Vender/Merchants’
  5. “Administrations’ ‘ allude to giving a Stage to Clients to buy merchandise and items presented by the assortment of Venders, make installment and get conveyance using a solitary stage. f. “Outsiders’ ‘ allude to any Application, organization or individual separated from the Client and the maker of this Application.
  6. The expression “Stage” alludes to the Application or Site which gives the Client the office to buy items from different internet based Sellers and get conveyance of the equivalent through the Organization.
  7. “Individual Data” will mean and allude to any actually recognizable data that We might gather from You, for example, Name, Area, Email Id, Portable number, Secret phrase and so forth For evacuation of any questions, if it’s not too much trouble, allude to Provision 2.

Data WE Gather

We are focused on regarding Your online protection. We further perceive Your requirement for proper assurance and the board of any Private Data You share with us. We might gather the accompanying data: a. Individual information, for example, however not restricted to, Name, Email Id, Versatile number, Secret key, Postage information, Age, Orientation, Github Handle, LinkedIn Handle and so on; b.Tracking Data, for example, yet not restricted to the IP address of your gadget and Gadget ID when associated with the Web. This data might incorporate the URL that you just came from (whether or not this URL is on the Application), which URL you next go to (whether or not this URL is on the Application), your PC program data, and other data related with your collaboration with the Site.; c. Subtleties of Application or Site use for examination. This protection strategy additionally applies to information we gather from clients who are not enlisted as individuals from this site, including, however not restricted to, perusing conduct, pages saw and so on We additionally gather, and store individual data given by you every now and then on the Site. We just gather and utilize such data from you that we consider important for accomplishing a consistent, productive and safe experience, redid to your requirements including: a. To empower the arrangement of administrations settled on by you; b. To impart essential record and administration related data now and again; c. To permit you to get quality client care administrations and information Assortment; d. To consent to appropriate laws, rules and guidelines; Where any assistance mentioned by you includes an outsider, such data as is sensibly essential by the Organization to complete your administration solicitation might be imparted to such outsider. We additionally use your contact data to send you offers in view of your inclinations and earlier action. You may now and again decide to give installment related monetary data (Mastercard, charge card, ledger subtleties, charging address and so forth) on the stage. We are focused on keeping all such touchy information/data protected consistently and guarantee that such information/data is just executed over a secure Site of supported installment doors which are carefully encoded and give the most noteworthy conceivable level of care accessible under the innovation by and by being used. We will gather and store all such data in our inward Organization servers for a limited period of time, as long as you are a Client of the stage and will quickly erase all such data upon expiry of your Client transport. We will likewise erase all previously mentioned correspondence upon withdrawal of the Client boat of any single Party to the correspondence. The Organization won’t involve your monetary data for any reason other than to finish an exchange with you. To the degree conceivable, we give you the choice of not uncovering a particular data that you wish for us not to gather, store or use. You may likewise decide not to utilize a specific help or component on the Site and quit any insignificant interchanges from the stage. Further, executing over the web has innate dangers which must be stayed away from by you following security rehearses yourself, like not uncovering account/login related data to some other individual and illuminating our client care group about any dubious action or where your record has/may have been compromised. At each stage before, during or after data assortment, you reserve the privilege to get to all actually recognizable data gave, amend or modify all by and by recognizable data gave, confine the degree of data to be held according to your only attentiveness and object to the maintenance, use and likely divulgence of the by and by recognizable data.</

OUR Utilization OF YOUR Data

The data given by you will be utilized to give and work on the assistance to you and all clients. a. For keeping up with Inside record. b. For offering the Types of assistance c. For upgrading the Administrations gave. For additional insights regarding the idea of such correspondences, if it’s not too much trouble, allude to our Terms of Administration. Further, your own information and Touchy Individual information might be gathered and put away by Us for inner record. We will uncover subtleties including yet not restricted to Name, Area, Telephone number, and so forth of the Clients to the Merchants and Name, Telephone number, Area, and so on of the Dealers to the Clients with the end goal of arrangement of Administrations to the previously mentioned. We use Your following data, for example, IP addresses, as well as Gadget ID to assist with recognizing you and to assemble wide segment data and make further administrations accessible to you. We won’t sell, permit or exchange Your own data. We won’t impart your own data to others except if they are acting under our directions or we are needed to do as such by law. Data gathered by means of Our server logs incorporates clients’ IP addresses and the pages visited; this will be utilized to deal with the web framework and investigate issues. We likewise utilize outsider examination, following, advancement and focusing on instruments to see how clients draw in with our Foundation so we can further develop it and provide food customized content/promotions as per their inclinations.

HOW Data IS Gathered

Previously or at the hour of gathering individual data, we will recognize the reasons for which data is being gathered. On the off chance that the equivalent isn’t distinguished to you, you reserve the option to demand the Organization to clarify the reason for the assortment of said individual data, forthcoming satisfaction of which you will not be commanded to uncover any data at all. We will gather and utilize your own data exclusively with the goal of satisfying those reasons determined by us, inside the extent of assent of the individual concerned or as legally necessary. We will just hold individual data as long as fundamental for the satisfaction of those reasons. We will gather individual data by legitimate and reasonable means and with the information and assent of the individual concerned. Individual information ought to be applicable to the reasons for which it is to be utilized, and, to the degree fundamental for those reasons, ought to be


We use information assortment gadgets, for example, “Cookies” on specific pages of our Sites. “Cookies” are little records sited on your hard drive that help us in offering redid types of assistance. We additionally offer specific highlights that are just accessible using a “Cookie”. Cookie can likewise assist us with giving data, which is focused on to your inclinations. Cookie might be utilized to recognize signed in or enlisted clients. Our Site utilizes meeting treats to guarantee that you have a decent encounter. These treats contain an exceptional number, your ‘meeting ID’, which permits our server to perceive your PC and ‘recall’ how you’ve treated the Stage. The advantages of this are: a. You possibly need to sign in once assuming that you’re exploring secure region of the site b. Our server can recognize your PC and different clients, so you can see the data that you have mentioned. You can decide to acknowledge or decrease treats by altering your program settings assuming that you like. This might keep you from exploiting the Stage. We likewise utilize different outsider treats for use, social, investigation and inclinations information. Coming up next are the various kinds of Treats utilized on the Stage: a. Confirmation treats: To recognize the client and offer the substance that the individual mentioned for. b. Usefulness treats: For redid client experience and continuing past course progress. c. Following, enhancement and focusing on treats: To catch utilization metric on gadget, working framework, program and so on to catch conduct measurements for better substance conveyance. To cater and recommend most fit items and administrations.

GOOGLE Investigation

We use Google Investigation to assist us with seeing how you utilize our substance and work out the way that we can improve things. These treats finish your advancement our, gathering unknown information on where you have come from, which pages you visit, and how long you spend on the site. This information is then put away by Google to make reports. These treats don’t store your own information. The data produced by the treat about your utilization of the Site, including your IP address, might be communicated to and put away by Google on servers in the US. Google might involve this data to assess your utilization of the site, gathering writes about site movement for ourselves and offering different types of assistance connecting with site action and web use. Google may likewise move this data to outsiders where needed to do as such by law, or where such outsiders process the data for Google’s benefit. Google won’t relate your IP address with some other information held by Google. By utilizing this site, you agree to the handling of information about you by Google in the way and for the reasons set out above. The Google site contains additional data about Investigation and a duplicate of Google’s security strategy pages.

Outer Connections ON THE Site

The Site might incorporate ads, hyperlinks to different sites, applications, content or assets. We have zero power over any sites or assets, which are given by organizations or people other than Us. You recognize and concur that we are not answerable for the accessibility of any such outside locales or assets, and don’t support any promoting, administrations/items or different materials on or accessible from such stage or assets. You recognize and concur that We are not responsible for any misfortune or harm which might be caused by you because of the accessibility of those outside locales or assets, or because of any dependence set by you on the culmination, exactness or presence of any publicizing, items or different materials on, or accessible from, such sites or assets. These outside sites and asset suppliers might have their own security arrangements overseeing the assortment, stockpiling, maintenance and exposure of Your Own Data that You might be dependent upon. We suggest that you enter the outer Site and audit their security strategy.

YOUR Rights

We are offering support that gathers study reactions for study Makers. On the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning an overview, or then again assuming you need access, update or erase anything in your review reactions, kindly contact the Organization straightforwardly. Except if dependent upon an exclusion, you have the accompanying privileges as for your own information: a. The option to demand a duplicate of your own information which we hold about you; b. The option to demand for any adjustment to any private information assuming that it is viewed as wrong or obsolete; c. The option to pull out Your agree to the handling whenever; d. The option to have a problem with the handling of individual information; e. The option to stop a protest with an administrative power. f. The option to get data with respect to whether individual information are moved to a third nation or to a global association. Where you hold a record with any of our administration, you are qualified for a duplicate of all private information which we hold comparable to you. You are additionally qualified for demand that we confine how we use your information in your record when you sign in.


You further recognize that the Stage might contain data which is assigned secret by us and that you will not uncover such data without our earlier composed assent. Your data is viewed as classified and subsequently won’t be revealed to any outsider, except if legitimately needed to do as such to the proper specialists. We won’t offer, offer, or lease your own data to any outsider or use your email address for spontaneous mail. Any messages sent by us might be regarding the arrangement of concurred administrations, and you hold sole attentiveness to look for cessation of such interchanges anytime of time.

OTHER Data Gatherers

Besides as in any case explicitly remembered for this Protection Strategy, this record just addresses the utilization and revelation of data we gather from you. To the degree that you reveal your data to different gatherings, regardless of whether they are on our Foundation or on different destinations all through the Web, various guidelines might apply to their utilization or revelation of the data you unveil to them. To the degree that we utilize outsider publicists, they cling to their own security strategies. Since we don’t control the security approaches of the outsiders, you are likely to pose inquiries before you reveal your own data to other people.

OUR Revelation OF YOUR Data

We has studies for review makers for our foundation who are the proprietors and clients of your overview reactions. We don’t claim or sell your reactions. Anything you explicitly unveil in your reactions will be revealed to review makers. If it’s not too much trouble, contact the review maker straightforwardly to all the more likely see how they may share you overview reactions. We will uncover subtleties including yet not restricted to Name, Area, Telephone number, and so forth of the Clients to the Merchants and Name, Telephone number, and so on of the Dealers to the Clients with the end goal of arrangement of Administrations to the previously mentioned. Data gathered won’t be considered as delicate in the event that it is unreservedly accessible and available in the public space or is outfitted under the Right to Data Act, 2005, any guidelines made there under or some other law for the time being in power. Because of the current administrative climate, we can’t guarantee that the entirety of your private interchanges and other by and by recognizable data won’t ever be revealed in manners not in any case depicted in this Security Strategy. Via model (without restricting and previous), we might be compelled to unveil data to the public authority, law requirement offices or outsiders. In this way, despite the fact that we use industry standard practices to ensure your protection, we don’t guarantee, and you ought not expect, that your actually recognizable data or private correspondences would consistently stay private. We do, but guarantee you that all revelation of your actually recognizable data will be by and by insinuated to you through an email shipped off your gave email address. As an issue of strategy, we don’t sell or lease any by and by recognizable data about you to any outsider. Notwithstanding, the accompanying portrays a portion of the manners in which that your actually recognizable data might be unveiled: a. Outer Specialist co-ops: There might be various administrations presented by outside specialist co-ops that assist you with utilizing our Foundation. In the event that you decide to utilize these discretionary administrations, and throughout doing as such, unveil data to the outer specialist co-ops, as well as award them consent to gather data about you, then, at that point, their utilization of your data is administered by their protection strategy. b. Peace and lawfulness: We help out law authorization requests, just as other outsiders to uphold laws, for example, protected innovation freedoms, misrepresentation and different privileges. We can (and you approve us to) uncover any data about you to law implementation and other government authorities as we, in our only tact, trust important or suitable, regarding an examination of misrepresentation, licensed innovation encroachments, or other action that is unlawful or may uncover us or you to legitimate responsibility.


Following enlistment, you can survey and change the data you submitted at the phase of enrollment, aside from Email ID and portable number. A possibility for working with such change will be available on the Stage and such change will be worked with by the Client. In the event that you change any data, we might possibly monitor your old data. We won’t hold in our records data you have mentioned to eliminate for specific conditions, for example, to determine questions, investigate issues and authorize our agreements. Such earlier data will be totally taken out from our data sets, including hid away ‘up’ frameworks. Assuming you accept that any data, we are hanging on you is wrong or deficient, or to eliminate your profile so others can’t see it, the Client needs to remediate, and quickly right any such inaccurate data.


At the point when you join to turn into a Part, you will likewise be approached to pick a secret key. You are very much liable for keeping up with the classification of your secret phrase. You really should ensure it against unapproved access of your record and data by picking your secret key cautiously and keeping your secret word and PC secure by marking out in the wake of utilizing our administrations. You make a deal to avoid utilizing the record, username, email address or secret key of one more Part whenever or to reveal your secret phrase to any outsider. You are liable for all activities taken with your login data and secret phrase, including expenses. Assuming you fail to keep a grip on your secret phrase, you might lose significant command over your by and by recognizable data and might be likely to legitimately restricting activities taken for your sake. Subsequently, assuming your secret word has been compromised under any circumstance, you ought to quickly change your secret key. You consent to inform us quickly on the off chance that you speculate any steady unapproved utilization of your record or admittance to your secret word even in the wake of evolving it.


We treat information as a resource that should be ensured against misfortune and unapproved access. We utilize various security methods to shield such information from unapproved access by individuals inside and outside the Organization. We keep commonly acknowledged industry guidelines to secure the Individual Data submitted to us and data that we have gotten to. Nonetheless, however compelling as encryption innovation seems to be, no security framework is impervious. Our Organization can’t ensure the security of our data set, nor would we be able to ensure that data you give will not be blocked while being sent to the Organization over the Web.


Each passage of this protection strategy will be and stay separate from and autonomous of and severable from all and some other sections thus with the exception of where in any case explicitly demonstrated or showed by the setting of the understanding. The choice or announcement that at least one of the passages are invalid and void will have no impact on the leftover sections of this protection strategy.

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