
Programming in C

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Programming in C

Introduction to programming paradigms, Structure of C program, C programming: Data Types, Storage classes, Constants, Enumeration Constants, Keywords, Operators: Precedence and Associativity, Expressions, Input/Output statements, Assignment statements, Decision making statements, Switch statement, Looping statements, Pre-processor directives, Compilation process

Programming in C

Introduction to functions: Function prototype, function definition, function call, Built-in functions (string functions, math functions), Recursion, Example Program: Computation of Sine series, Scientific calculator using built-in functions, Binary Search using recursive functions, Pointers, Pointer operators, Pointer arithmetic, Arrays and pointers, Array of pointers, Example Program: Sorting of names, Parameter passing: Pass by value, Pass by reference, Example Program: Swapping of two numbers and changing the value of a variable using pass by reference.

Programming in C

Files, Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access, Sequential access file, Example Program: Finding average of numbers stored in sequential access file, Random access file, Example Program: Transaction processing using random access files, Command line arguments

Programming in C

Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Initialization, One dimensional array, Example Program: Computing Mean, Median and Mode, Two dimensional arrays, Example Program: Matrix Operations (Addition, Scaling, Determinant and Transpose), String operations: length, compare, concatenate, copy, Selection sort, linear and binary search

Programming in C

Structure, Nested structures, Pointer and Structures, Array of structures, Example Program using structures and pointers, Self-referential structures, Dynamic memory allocation, Singly linked list, typedef

Programming in C

Introduction to programming paradigms, Structure of C program, C programming: Data Types, Storage classes, Constants, Enumeration Constants, Keywords, Operators: Precedence and Associativity, Expressions, Input/Output statements, Assignment statements, Decision making statements, Switch statement, Looping statements, Pre-processor directives, Compilation process

Programming in C

Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Initialization, One dimensional array, Example Program: Computing Mean, Median and Mode, Two dimensional arrays, Example Program: Matrix Operations (Addition, Scaling, Determinant and Transpose), String operations: length, compare, concatenate, copy, Selection sort, linear and binary search

Programming in C

Introduction to functions: Function prototype, function definition, function call, Built-in functions (string functions, math functions), Recursion, Example Program: Computation of Sine series, Scientific calculator using built-in functions, Binary Search using recursive functions, Pointers, Pointer operators, Pointer arithmetic, Arrays and pointers, Array of pointers, Example Program: Sorting of names, Parameter passing: Pass by value, Pass by reference, Example Program: Swapping of two numbers and changing the value of a variable using pass by reference.

Programming in C

Structure, Nested structures, Pointer and Structures, Array of structures, Example Program using structures and pointers, Self-referential structures, Dynamic memory allocation, Singly linked list, typedef

Programming in C

Files, Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access, Sequential access file, Example Program: Finding average of numbers stored in sequential access file, Random access file, Example Program: Transaction processing using random access files, Command line arguments

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